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PHP Live Training

PHP MySQL Overview

The PHP MySQL training course by cronictech.in is designed to develop basic and advanced skills in PHP and MySQL. These highly sought-after programming languages are taught using customized methods and techniques.

Course Detail


Introduction of PHP,XAMPP Setup and software installation, (CMS) Content Management System like WordPress, MySQL, upload application on server, Session, Email Sending.


Creating a database,Selecting database,Creating a table,Inserting data into table,Show data from table,Drop table,Drop database,Constraints,Write Query,Store Record, Fetch Record,Edit Record,Delete.

Introduction to HTML

Tags, Elements and Attributes, Getting Started with Bootstrap 4, Images, List, Tables, Button and Cards


Install WordPress, Create Post, Page and Category.Build responsive website with WordPress.

Project with Professional Design

All CRUD operation with Authentication, Deployment using FTP, Certificate.